- Work in Progress
- Books
- Recent Articles
- Language and Logic in Chinese Thought
- Mohist Dialectics
- Epistemology in Chinese Thought
- Daoism
- Mohism
- Confucianism
- Miscellaneous
Work in Progress
Zhuangzi and Agency. Coauthored with Pengbo Liu.
“荀子對法家的批判”,王尚譯 《紀念林正弘老師學術論文集》
- Daoism: Seven Cues for Life.
Persons and Standards: Debates over the Role of "Law" in Chinese Thought
Zhuangzi and Ethics.
Language, Mind, and World in Early Chinese Thought.
Wu-wei: Fitting in with Things.
Zhuangzi: The Complete Writings, A New Translation. Oxford University Press, November 2024.
Zhuangzi: Ways of Wandering the Way. Oxford University Press, June 2024.
Late Classical Chinese Thought. Oxford University Press, 2023. 中译本:《战国晚期思想》,聂韬、王周璐、唐杨译,三联出版社。
The Essential Mozi: Ethical, Political, and Dialectical Writings. Oxford University Press, 2020. See too the digital supplement on the Mohist Dialectics, available for download here. A preprint of selections from the Mohist "Dialogues" is available here.
The Philosophy of the Mozi: The First Consequentialists. Columbia University Press, 2016. 中译本:《〈墨子〉的哲学》,武云译,东方出版中心。
Ethics in Early China: An Anthology. C. Fraser, D. Robins, and T. O'Leary, eds. HKU Press, 2011.
Recent Articles
Replies to Commentators. Contribution to book forum on Late Classical Chinese Thought, Philosophy East and West (forthcoming, October 2025).
Dai Zhen. Coauthored with Frank YC Chong. In Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (forthcoming).
The Nature and Force of Normativity in Dai Zhen. In Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Dai Zhen, Zemian Zheng, ed. Springer (forthcoming).
How Dao and De Can Shape a Plausible Zhuangist Ethics. In Ethics in the Zhuangzi, Xiangnong Hu and Yong Huang, eds. Springer (2024), 193-207.
Truth and the Way in Xunzi. Asian Journal of Philosophy 2, 12 (2023).
Names and Speech in Warring States Thought. In Routledge Companion to Chinese Philosophy, B. Ziporyn and S. Walker, eds.
Zhuangzi and Particularism. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 49.4 (2022), 342–57. 中译版:“庄子与特殊主義”,章含译,《现代儒学》。
Deviations from the Way, Failures of Virtue: Emotions in Early Daoist Thought. In In the mind, in the body, and in the world: Emotions in early China and ancient Greece, Douglas Cairns and Curie Virag, eds. Oxford University Press, 2024.
Epistemic Competence and Agency in Sosa and Xunzi. In Ernest Sosa Encountering Chinese Philosophy, Yong Huang, ed. (Bloomsbury, 2022).
Language and Logic in Chinese Thought
Truth and the Way in Xunzi. Asian Journal of Philosophy 2, 12 (2023).
Names and Speech in Warring States Thought. In Routledge Companion to Chinese Philosophy, B. Ziporyn and S. Walker, eds.
Representation in Early Chinese Philosophy of Language. Forthcoming in Philosophy East & West 71.1 (2021), 57–78.
Realism about Kinds in Later Mohism. Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (2021), 93–114.
- Paradoxes in the School of Names. In Dao Companion to Chinese Philosophy of Logic, Fung Yiu-Ming, ed. (Dordrecht: Springer, 2020), 285-307.
- Truth in Pre-Han Thought. In Dao Companion to Chinese Philosophy of Logic, Fung Yiu-Ming, ed. (Dordrecht: Springer, 2020), 113–127.
- Rationalism and Anti-rationalism in Later Mohism and the Zhuangzi. In Having a Word with Angus Graham, Carine Defoort and Roger T. Ames, eds. (Albany: SUNY Press, 2018), 251–274.
Language and Logic in the Xunzi. In Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Xunzi, Eric Hutton, ed. (Dordrecht: Springer, 2016), 291–321.
Distinctions, Judgment, and Reasoning in Classical Chinese Thought. History and Philosophy of Logic 34.1 (2013), 1–24.
Truth in Mohist Dialectics. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39.3 (2012): 351–368.
Language and Ontology in Early Chinese Thought. Philosophy East & West 57.4 (2007): 420–56.
Action and Agency in Early Chinese Thought. Journal of Chinese Philosophy and Culture 5 (2009): 217–39.
More Mohist Marginalia: A Reply to Makeham on Later Mohist Canon and Explanation B 67. Journal of Chinese Philosophy and Culture 2 (2007): 227–59.
The Mass Noun Hypothesis and Interpretive Methodology. Journal of Chinese Philosophy and Culture 1 (2006): 58–107.
The School of Names. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2005; updated 2020).
Mohist Canons. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2005; updated 2020).
Mohism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2002; updated 2020)
Later Mohist Logic, Ethics and Science After 25 Years. Introduction, reprint edition of A. C. Graham, Later Mohist Logic, Ethics and Science (Chinese University Press, 2003).
Mohist Dialectics
The Later Mohist Dialectics (digital supplement to The Essential Mozi).
Realism about Kinds in Later Mohism. Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (2021), 93–114.
Rationalism and Anti-rationalism in Later Mohism and the Zhuangzi. In Having a Word with Angus Graham, Carine Defoort and Roger T. Ames, eds. (Albany: SUNY Press, 2018), 251–274.
Distinctions, Judgment, and Reasoning in Classical Chinese Thought. History and Philosophy of Logic 34.1 (2013), 1–24.
Truth in Mohist Dialectics. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39.3 (2012): 351–368.
Language and Ontology in Early Chinese Thought. Philosophy East & West 57.4 (2007): 420–56.
More Mohist Marginalia: A Reply to Makeham on Later Mohist Canon and Explanation B 67. Journal of Chinese Philosophy and Culture 2 (2007): 227–59.
Mohist Canons. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2005; updated 2020).
Later Mohist Logic, Ethics and Science After 25 Years. Introduction, reprint edition of A. C. Graham, Later Mohist Logic, Ethics and Science (Chinese University Press, 2003).
Epistemology in Chinese Thought
Identifying Upward: Political Epistemology in an Early Chinese Political Theory. In The Routledge Handbook of Political Epistemology, J. de Ridder and M. Hannon, eds. (Routledge, 2021), 24–34.
Epistemic Competence and Agency in Sosa and Xunzi. In Ernest Sosa Encountering Chinese Philosophy, Yong Huang, ed. (Bloomsbury, 2022).
Knowledge and Error in Early Chinese Thought. Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 10.2 (2011): 127–48.
How Dao and De Can Shape a Plausible Zhuangist Ethics. In Ethics in the Zhuangzi, Xiangnong Hu and Yong Huang, eds. Springer (2024), 193–207.
Zhuangzi and Particularism. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 49.4 (2022), 342–57.
A Path with No End: Skill and Ethics in Zhuangzi. In Skill in Ancient Ethics: The Legacy of China, Greece, and Rome, Tom Angier and Lisa Raphals, eds. (Bloomsbury, 2021), 241–260.
Deviations from the Way, Failures of Virtue: Emotions in Early Daoist Thought. In In the mind, in the body, and in the world: Emotions in early China and ancient Greece, Douglas Cairns and Curie Virag, eds. Oxford University Press, 2024.
- Metaphysics and Agency in Guo Xiang's Commentary on the Zhuangzi. In David Chai, ed., Dao Companion to Neo-Daoism (Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2021), 343–66.
Finding a Way Together: Interpersonal Ethics in Zhuangzi. In Dao Companion to the Philosophy of the Zhuangzi, Kim-Chong Chong, ed. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature (forthcoming).
A Daoist Critique of Morality. In Justin Tiwald, ed., Oxford Handbook of Chinese Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Forget the Deeps and Row! In Skill and Mastery: Philosophical Stories from the Zhuangzi, K. Lai and W. Chiu, eds. (London: Rowman and Littlefield, 2019), 163–181.
- Rationalism and Anti-rationalism in Later Mohism and the Zhuangzi. In Having a Word with Angus Graham, Carine Defoort and Roger T. Ames, eds. (Albany: SUNY Press, 2018), 251–274.
Zhuangzi and the Heterogeneity of Value. In New Visions of the Zhuangzi, Livia Kohn, ed. (Three Pines Press, 2015), 40–58.
Wandering the Way: A Eudaimonistic Approach to the Zhuangzi. Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 13.4 (2014), 541–565.
Landscape, Travel, and a Daoist View of the 'Cosmic Question.' In Landscape and Travelling East and West: A Philosophical Journey. H. Moeller and A. Whitehead, eds. London: Bloomsbury Academic (2014), 211–223.
Heart-Fasting, Forgetting, and Using the Heart Like a Mirror: Applied Emptiness in the Zhuangzi. In Nothingness in Asian Philosophy, J. Liu and D. Berger, eds. New York: Routledge (2014), 197–212.
"Xunzi Versus Zhuangzi: Two Approaches to Death in Classical Chinese Thought." Frontiers of Philosophy in China 8.3 (2013), 410–427.
The Limitations of Ritual Propriety: Ritual and Language in Xunzi and Zhuangzi. Sophia: International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysical Theology and Ethics 51:2 (2012): 257–282.
Emotion and Agency in Zhuangzi. Asian Philosophy 21.1 (2011): 97–121.
Skepticism and Value in the Zhuangzi. International Philosophical Quarterly 49.4 (2009): 439–57.
Psychological Emptiness in the Zhuangzi. Asian Philosophy 18.2 (2008): 123–47.
Wu-wei, the Background, and Intentionality. In Searle’s Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy: Constructive Engagement, ed. Bo Mou, Leiden: Brill (2008): 63–92.
Weakness of Will, the Background, and Chinese Thought. (With Kai Yee Wong.) In Searle’s Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy (2008): 313–33.
Zhuangzi, Xunzi, and the Paradoxical Nature of Education. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 33.4 (2006): 529–42.
Essays on Skepticism, Relativism, and Ethics in the Zhuangzi, ed. Paul Kjellberg and Philip J. Ivanhoe. Ethics 108.4 (1998): 799–802.
Paradox and Disputation in Zhuangzi 2. Warring States Working Group Query 82 (1997). Published in Warring States Papers, Vol. 2 (2011): 151–153.
Classifying the Zhuangzi Chapters, by Liu Xiaogan. Asian Philosophy 7.2 (1997): 155–59.
Identifying Upward: Political Epistemology in an Early Chinese Political Theory. In The Routledge Handbook of Political Epistemology, J. de Ridder and M. Hannon, eds. (Routledge, 2021), 24–34.
The Essential Mozi: Ethical, Political, and Dialectical Writings. Oxford University Press, 2020. See too the digital supplement on the Mohist Dialectics, available for download here. A preprint of selections from the Mohist "Dialogues" is available here.
Realism about Kinds in Later Mohism. Forthcoming in Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy.
- Rationalism and Anti-rationalism in Later Mohism and the Zhuangzi. In Having a Word with Angus Graham, Carine Defoort and Roger T. Ames, eds. (Albany: SUNY Press, 2018), 251–274.
The Mozi and Just War Theory in Pre-Han Thought. Journal of Chinese Military History 5.2 (2016), 135–175.
The Philosophy of the Mozi: The First Consequentialists. Columbia University Press, 2016.
The Mohist Conception of Reality. In Chinese Metaphysics and its Problems, Chenyang Li and Franklin Perkins, eds. (Cambridge University Press, 2015), 69–84.
The Ethics of the Mohist "Dialogues." In The Mozi as an Evolving Text: Different Voices in Early Chinese Thought, Carine Defoort and Nicolas Standaert, eds. Leiden: Brill (2013), 175–204.
Mozi. In International Encyclopedia of Ethics, ed. Hugh LaFollette, et al. (Wiley, 2013).
Truth in Mohist Dialectics. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39.3 (2012): 351–368.
Mohism and Motivation. In C. Fraser, D. Robins, and T. O'Leary, eds., Ethics in Early China (HKU Press, 2011), 83–103.
Major Rival Schools: Mohism and Legalism. In Oxford Handbook of World Philosophy, ed. J. Garfield and W. Edelglass (Oxford, 2011), 58–67.
Mohism and Self-Interest. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 35.3 (2008): 437–54.
The Mohist School. In Routledge History of Chinese Philosophy, ed. Bo Mou. London: Routledge, 2008.
More Mohist Marginalia: A Reply to Makeham on Later Mohist Canon and Explanation B 67. Journal of Chinese Philosophy and Culture 2 (2007): 227–59.
Tang Junyi on Mencian and Mohist Conceptions of Mind. In Contemporary Confucians of the Chinese University, ed. Cheng Chung Yi. New Asia Academic Bulletin 19 (2006): 203–33.
Mohist Canons. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2005, revised 2009, 2018).
Mohism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2002, revised 2009)
Later Mohist Logic, Ethics and Science After 25 Years. Introduction, reprint edition of A. C. Graham, Later Mohist Logic, Ethics and Science (Chinese University Press, 2003).
Thematic Relationships in MZ 8-10 and 11-13. Warring States Papers I (2010): 137–142. Originally presented at Warring States Working Group 10, University of Massachusetts, U.S.A., April 1998.
Doctrinal Developments in the Mozi Jian Ai Triad. Warring States Working Papers (1998). Published as "Doctrinal Developments in MZ 14-16." Warring States Papers I (2010): 132–136.
Is Mozi 17 a Fragment of Mozi 26? Warring States Working Group Query 95 (1997). Published as "Is MZ 17 a Fragment of MZ 26?" Warring States Papers I (2010): 122–125.
Dai Zhen. Coauthored with Frank YC Chong. In Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (forthcoming).
The Nature and Force of Normativity in Dai Zhen. In Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Dai Zhen, Zemian Zheng, ed. Springer (forthcoming).
Epistemic Competence and Agency in Sosa and Xunzi. Forthcoming in anthology on Ernest Sosa’s philosophy and Chinese thought, ed. Yong Huang.
Language and Logic in the Xunzi. In Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Xunzi, Eric Hutton, ed. (Dordrecht: Springer, 2016), 291–321.
Happiness in Classical Confucianism: Xunzi. Philosophical Topics 41.1 (2013), 53–79.
"Xunzi Versus Zhuangzi: Two Approaches to Death in Classical Chinese Thought." Frontiers of Philosophy in China 8.3 (2013), 410–427.
The Limitations of Ritual Propriety: Ritual and Language in Xunzi and Zhuangzi. Sophia: International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysical Theology and Ethics 51:2 (2012): 257–282.
Knowledge and Error in Early Chinese Thought. Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 10.2 (2011): 127–48.
Zhuangzi, Xunzi, and the Paradoxical Nature of Education. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 33.4 (2006): 529–42.
Tang Junyi on Mencian and Mohist Conceptions of Mind. In Contemporary Confucians of the Chinese University, ed. Cheng Chung Yi. New Asia Academic Bulletin 19 (2006): 203–33.
Replies to Commentators. Contribution to book forum on Late Classical Chinese Thought, Philosophy East and West (forthcoming, October 2025).
On Wu-Wei as a Unifying Metaphor. Philosophy East & West 57.1 (2007): 97–106.
Five Questions on the History of Chinese Logic. In History of Logic in China: 5 Questions, F. Liu and J. Seligman, eds. New York: Automatic Press / VIP (2015).
實在論再探 (Realism Reconsidered)。《分析的技藝——林正弘教授七十祝壽論文集》, 陳瑞麟主編 (台北:學富, 2009)。
先秦思想中的行動觀。《哲學評論》7 (2009): 61–82。
Two Roads to Wisdom?, ed. Bo Mou. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 32.2 (2005): 353–58.
Meaning and Normativity in Brandom’s Inferentialism. NCCU Philosophical Journal 12 (2004): 71–100.
英美學界對於中國經典詮釋傳統之研究:回顧與展望。《臺大文史哲學報》 53 (2000): 101-36。
- 信念、真理與社會實踐。《思與言》 33 (1995): 1-25 。