Hokudai Talk: “A Path with No End”

I recently had a productive and enjoyable visit with colleagues from the Center for Human Nature, Artificial Intelligence, and Neuroscience and the Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy at Hokkaido University. The title of my talk was “A Path with No End: Skill and Ethics in Zhuangzi and Mozi.” The event announcement is here and…

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Emotions in China and Greece

Congratulations to Douglas Cairns and Curie Virag, who are putting the finishing touches on a novel, collaborative anthology that brings together specialists in early Chinese and ancient Greek thought to explore various understandings of emotion in the Chinese and Hellenistic traditions. The title of this volume, forthcoming from Oxford University Press, is In the Mind,…

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New Essay: Zhuangzi and Particularism

I’ve been intrigued for years by the possibility that a Zhuangist stance toward dao might overlap considerably with the standpoint of contemporary moral particularism, primarily as defended in the work of Jonathan Dancy. This year I finally had a chance to look into this issue carefully, reading up on Dancy’s work and that of his…

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Sosa Encountering Chinese Philosophy

I’m attending an unusual conference at Fudan University 復旦大學 in Shanghai on the theme “Sosa Encountering Chinese Philosophy.” The conference poster is here. The aim of the conference is put Ernest Sosa’s virtue epistemology into dialogue with Chinese sources. Here’s the Introduction to my own very tentative contribution:

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Taipei Lectures on Zhuangzi and Xunzi

I’ll be giving two lectures at National Cheng Chi University 國立政治大學 in Taiwan next week: “Zhuangzi and Normative Ethics” on Thursday, Nov. 8, and “Mind and World in Xunzi” on Friday, Nov. 9. The poster for the event is here. These are part of the Cross-cultural Philosophy lecture series 跨文化哲學講座系列 at the NCCU Research Center…

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Philosophy Summer School in China

I will be teaching this year at the annual Philosophy Summer School in China sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. This year’s theme is Chinese-Western Comparative Philosophy, and the program will take place at Capital Normal University from July 30-August 15. The other lecturers are Michael Beaney (the organizer and coordinator), Carine Defoort,…

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Mozi and the Origin of Political Authority

Eric Schliesser recently posted a thoughtful discussion of how the Mohist account of the shift from a state of nature to political society might resemble some varieties of social contract views. I posted a comment in response, which led to a fruitful exchange about the Mohist conception of the origin of political authority. The entire…

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Selections from the Mohist Dialogues

I’m posting here selections from the Mohist “Dialogues” included in my abridged translation of the Mozi, which I hope will be forthcoming before too long. Here is the file: Selections from the “Dialogues” Following the example of the Stephanus numbering used to cite from the works of Plato and the Bekker numbering used to cite…

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Paradoxes in Chinese Philosophy

The following is a contribution to the forthcoming Dao Companion to Chinese Philosophy of Logic, edited by my colleague Yiu-ming Fung, Professor Emeritus at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. The article surveys the role of paradoxes in classical Chinese thought. For a collection of articles on early Chinese philosophy of language and…

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