Ren Da Talk: A Daoist Critique of Morality

The third leg of my recent Beijing trip was a visit to Renmin University to see old friends Li Jifen and Liu Wei and to meet a number of new friends, including some brilliant graduate students. My talk was a Chinese version of this paper, which sketches Zhuangist reasons for rejecting morality as a guide…

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Beida Lectures: Zhuangzi and Xunzi

The week of June 26–30 I delivered two lectures in the Department of Philosophy at Peking University and greatly enjoyed meeting graduate students and colleagues there. My deep thanks to Professor Zheng Kai for organizing this visit and Dr. Huachao Wang for all his efforts making arrangements. Especially meaningful was that the first lecture took…

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ISCP Keynote Address

In June I delivered one of the keynote addresses for the International Society for Chinese Philosophy conference held at UC Riverside, June 20-23. I’m grateful to Lisa Raphals for the invitation to contribute and to Cheng Chung-ying, Tang Siufu, and other audience members for stimulating questions. My talk was titled “Standards Cannot Stand on Their…

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Something from Nothing?

I recently gave a presentation at the 2nd Pan-American Symposium on the History of Logic, held at UCLA June 20-23, 2023, which was dedicated to the theme of “Existence and Nonexistence.” Kudos to the organizers, Milo Crimi, Graziana Ciola, and Calvin Normore, who went out of their way to include contributions exploring the theme of…

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Truth in Early Chinese Philosophy

I’ve argued in the past that in early Chinese philosophical discourse the concept of dao (way) is more fundamental than the concept of truth. In a new article, I give a detailed account of just how truth relates to dao in the philosophy of the Xúnzǐ, the early Chinese “masters” text that probably devotes the…

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Chinese Philosophy Seminar Series at Warwick

I’ll be speaking on line Nov 11 as part of the Chinese Philosophy Seminar Series at the University of Warwick. A list of speakers and registration links is posted here: I’ll be reprising the topic of my recent McGill talk, “The Xunzian Critique of Legalism and Its Contemporary Significance.”

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McGill Lecture: Xunzi’s Critique of Legalism

On October 4 I’ll be speaking at a colloquium in the Department of East Asian Studies at McGill University in Montreal. I’m grateful to Professors Jeehee Hong and Robin Yates for arranging this event. My topic is “The Xunzian Critique of Legalism and Its Contemporary Significance.” This presentation is a preliminary selection from my work…

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