From time to time I post comments on “Warp, Weft, and Way,” a group blog devoted to Chinese philosophy and a successor venture to Manyul Im’s Chinese philosophy blog. It occurred to me that since some of these are contributions to lengthy, substantive discussions, it might be worth collecting together links to the threads in which they appear, so that they can be found easily if necessary. (I myself have needed to refer to them a few times.) Here are the various threads, the most recent first.
The People in Chinese Political Thought (2014/10/1)
Zhuangzi on Not Winning Debates (2011/04/27)
Zhuangzi, emotions, and the good life (2011/04/22)
Listening ridiculously and the oddity of the Zhuangzi (2011/03/12)
A certain butcher? (2011/03/09)
Ability and cultivation in Mencius 2A/6 (2011/01/07)
Daoist liberalism (2010/03/18)
Rethinking Confucian sovereignty (2010/03/03)
Xunzi and the aesthetic-moral value fusion (2009/11/30)
Teaching Yang Zhu (2009/11/23)
The sage is not friendly (2009/11/18)
What’s wrong with those pesky village worthies (2009/11/10)
Special relationships duties and obligations (2009/07/08)
Daodejing translations (2009/04/20)
The Philosophical Gourmet Report 2009 Chinese philosophy rankings
Zhuangzi: big and useless and not so good at catching rats (2008/12/20)
Do Chinese philosophers think tilted coins look elliptical? (2008/12/11)
What would zhuangzi do? (2008/12/02)
Mohism and maximizing (2008/11/19)
APA Newsletter on the state of the field (2008/10/08)
Abstract theorizing and language (2008/07/12)
The lexical fallacy (2008/06/05)
Wuwei — what does it mean? (2008/04/13)
The value of family in Confucianism (2008/03/21)
Lots and lots of dao (2008/03/14)
Xunzi on desire (2008/03/11)
Normative theory in the Mencius (2008/03/07)
China’s first philosophers (2008/03/02)
A way without a mental state (2008/02/11)
“Unclarifying” terms: “philosophical” (2008/02/05)
The philosophical value of the Yi Jing (2008/01/31)
The rectification of names — zhengming (2008/06/05)