In what is probably among the first events of its kind — and I hope a harbinger of more — the Research Centre for Chinese Philosophy and Culture at CUHK is organizing an international workshop wholly devoted to the major Qing thinker Dai Zhen 戴震 on March 15-16. The workshop announcement is here.
My paper was "The Nature and Force of Normativity in Dai Zhen," which is now forthcoming in the Dao Companion to Dai Zhen, edited by Zemian Zheng.
I cannot say enough about how Dai Zhen's thought deserves more attention internationally than it has received. His naturalism, rejection of dualism, metaethics, ethics, moral epistemology, and conception of normativity are all of the highest philosophical interest. This workshop and the forthcoming Dao Companion volume on Dai Zhen are major contributions to promoting better understanding of his thought.